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Meet Our Teachers!

Peggy Burt, Los Angeles, CA.

Peggy enjoyed a long and rewarding career as a dancer, dance teacher and choreographer before finding the peace and joy of yoga! Her graceful yoga practice is infused with a sense of flow, breath and ease.  Peggy has studied with Rene Quenell, Eden Jacobson, Addie deHilster, as well as Tracee Stanley. She holds certifications from Yoga Works, TheraYoga and Yoga Madre (RYT 500) and is a trained Labyrinth facilitator.  Peggy will guide the group in Labyrinth walks, Gentle Yoga to open the day, and Yoga Nidra to welcome the night.  Peggy is co-founder of Spiral Path Yoga Center which opened January of 2015 in southern California; a welcoming place where she teaches and leads workshops blending yoga and meditation. When not engaged in yoga, Peggy can be found facilitating Strategic Arts Planning with arts organizations, nonprofits and school districts statewide in California.

Zelie Pforzheimer, Wilton, CT

 Zelie is a SoulCollage® facilitator and certified Applied Positive Psychology and Resilience trainer of the Bounce Back Better curriculum.  She has been making cards of one kind or another for over 25 years and learned SoulCollage® from Mariabruna Sirabella.  Zelie is continuing studies in all modalities of Energy Healing, MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Releif) is a member of ACEP (Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology) and recently returned from Esalen learning the basics in NVC (Non-Violent Communication).  Prior to that she was in musical theatre and performed leading roles all over the United States and Internationally.  This will be the second retreat she has held at the beautiful Lifebridge Sanctuary ( She is looking forward to working with so many talented individuals.

Cole Butler, Los Angeles, CA

Cole took her first yoga class in 1987.  She searched many places looking for the right path to understand herself, ideal health and what is meaningful, discovering the answers in the unbounded awareness within.  Realizing yoga was her constant source of happiness connecting her to the always present light within, she spent time in India delving into meditation, Ayurveda, devotional music studies, family and nature. She has studied with Doug Keller, Rene Quenell (RYT-500) at Yoga Madre, Addie deHilster, Sarah Powers and Paul Greely. Cole will guide you toward ways of meeting life's challenges and opportunities with awareness, kindness, breathe, ease and courage.

JoJo Keane, Newtown, CT

JoJo Keane is a Healer, Dancer, Artist, Writer & Spiritual Life Coach. 

Known for her Energy Healing work & Art into wellness programs. 

A trained yoga instructor, journey dance facilitator, and intuitive energy healer she uses shamanic arts, hypnosis and many brain/body therapies. 

She runs workshops in conscious dance, meditation, and mindfulness trainings for

university dance programs, athletic teams, theatrical troupes and corporate workshops. 

JoJo works at the Omega Institute of Holistic Health, Kripalu, Atlantic Center for the Arts, Santa Fe dance studios, Art of Living Retreat Center, Mercy Center, Salt of the Earth Spa & Silver Hill Hospital helping clients maximize creative healing to find their right life, optimize mental and physical energy and get more out of life. She specializes in empowering you to become more intuitive and tap into the power within to self heal and release stuck trauma permanently.

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